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Yritystyöpaja: Tekoälyn eettiset kysymykset

Tampereen yliopisto
SijaintiKampusareena 5. kerros, Hervannan kampus
Ajankohta13.3.2020 7.00–10.00
Ilmoittautumisaika päättyy 11.3.2020,14.00
AI Hub Tampere ja KITE-projekti järjestävät yrityksille suunnatun työpajan, jossa käsitellään tekoälyn eettisiä kysymyksiä professori Arto Laitisen ja tutkimusassistentti Otto Sahlgrenin vetämänä.

KITE WORKSHOP: Ethical Questions Regarding AI

at Kampusareena, 5th floor, Tampere University Hervanta Campus

Topics include

  • Transparency, fairness and accountability
  • Views from participating companies
  • Ethical challenges

Let’s consider the ethics affecting the use of AI: model explainability, interpretability, fairness, non-discrimination, and accountability.

The workshop includes a presentation as well as a survey of participants’ questions and needs related to ethical design and use of AI systems and a practical, hands-on collaborative effort to tackle these prominent challenges.

In addition, future AI ethics workshops organized by AI Hub Tampere and KITE project may be tailored according to participants’ needs expressed during this first workshop.

Program 13.3.2020

Location: Kampusareena, 5th floor, Tampere University Hervanta Campus

9:00 Welcome coffee

9:30 Presentation: “Transparency, Fairness and Accountability”, Arto Laitinen (Professor of Philosophy, Tampere University) and Otto Sahlgren (Research Assistant, KITE). KITE researchers as discussants.

10:30 Survey of participants’ questions and needs regarding ethical AI

11:00 Hands-on session: Tackling ethical challenges related to AI

Register at http://bit.ly/Ethicalquestions


AI Hub Tampere ja KITE-projekti

