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Reconciling Pierre Bourdieu’s and Axel Honneth’s critical perspectives on society

Tampereen yliopisto
SijaintiKalevantie 4, Tampere
Keskustakampus, Päätalon auditorio A1 ja etäyhteys
Ajankohta28.8.2020 9.00–13.00
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma
Englanninkielinen väitös. The doctoral thesis "Toward a Critical Social Ontology: A Study on Pierre Bourdieu and Axel Honneth" provides an understanding of the fundamental nature of social reality -- social facts, institutions, customs, social action -- needed for a criticism of prevailing societies. It compares and develops further Pierre Bourdieu’s critical sociology and Axel Honneth’s critical social theory.

In his doctoral dissertation, Corrado Piroddi engages in theory-building by improving on existing theories and combining them in an innovative way. In this respect, his main aim is to address four specific issues that are pivotal for both the German critical theorist Axel Honneth and the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu: The study of the pre-rational and non-reflexive features of the social actions of human beings; the problem of social reproduction; the study of the relationship between social conflict and social transformation and amelioration; the formulation of a sharp conceptual distinction between "power" and "domination".

The relevance of the project is not only theoretical and philosophical. It tries to outline a critical and theoretical perspective that can be used by sociology, economics, and political theory as a background theory for specific empirical inquiries, and that can be used in social criticism.

The study aims to supply theoretical tools that can help social scientists to study and better understand social and political phenomena like the rise of populism and alt-right movements, the weakening of Western representative democracies, the changes in the labor market, the persistence of masculine and patriarchal cultures.

MA Corrado Piroddin filosofian alaan kuuluva väitöskirja Toward a Critical Social Ontology: A Study on Pierre Bourdieu and Axel Honneth tarkastetaan julkisesti Tampereen yliopiston yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunnassa perjantaina 28. elokuuta 2020 klo 12 alkaen Päätalon auditoriossa A1, Kalevantie 4. Vastaväittäjänä (etäyhteydellä) on professori Jean-Philippe Deranty (Macquarie University, Australia). Kustoksena toimii professori Arto Laitinen Tampereen yliopistosta. Koronavirustilanteen takia tilaisuuteen auditoriossa voi osallistua enintään 50 henkilöä.

Väitöstilaisuutta voi seurata myös etäyhteydellä, meeting ID: 622 1522 2186

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