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Happy New Academic Year from the ECIU University!

Published on 4.9.2020
Tampere University
Greetings with the new Academic year 2020/2021 from the rectors and directors of the ECIU University members. From 12 European countries and in 12 languages – the cultural and language diversity is one of our strengths.

- Oikein upeaa alkavaa lukuvuotta, President Mari Walls from Tampere University

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ECIU University – a true European University

The ECIU University is an initiative of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU alliance) that creates a ground-breaking and innovative educational model on a European scale. Through the initiative, ECIU alliance builds the ECIU University with open and flexible system, an entire new concept of the European University for the future. 

Ultimate goal of ECIU University project is to establish a true European University where learners, researchers, business, public organizations and citizens are enabled to create relevant innovative solutions for real life challenges with real societal impact.