Hyppää pääsisältöön

Mobility Café

Tampereen yliopisto
SijaintiKeskustakampus, Linna-rakennus K113
Ajankohta9.4.2019 22.15–10.4.2019 13.00
PääsymaksuMaksuton tapahtuma

Tampereen yliopiston tutkijakoulu järjestää tilaisuuden väitöskirjatutkijoille.


Doctoral School at the Tampere University welcome doctoral researchers to the

Mobility Café

ENROLLMENT: For the catering purposes please, sign up by Friday 5th of April by using this link.


13:15-13:20: The words of Welcome
Research Director Pirjo Nikander, The Doctoral School, Tampere University

13:20-13:40: Out and about
Doctoral Researcher Hussain Ahmed talks about his international adventures at University of Waterloo, Canada.

13:40-14:00: Well organized research visit
Doctoral Researcher Jenni Pätäri tells about her experiences in Germany.

14:00-14:20: Double trouble?
Doctoral Researcher Markku Ylönen talks about completing a double degree.

14:20-14:40 Coffee and Discussion in small groups

14:40-15:10 Exchange programmes and scholarships, Q&A
Team Leader Laura Lalu, International Mobility Services

15:10-15:40 Working abroad for a fixed term, instructions for the employees, Q&A
International HR Specialist Hanna Heino

15:40-15:45 Closing up
Senior Planning Officer Virve Kallioniemi-Chambers, Doctoral School, Tampere University



Doctoral School at the Tampere University