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International Business and Logistics

Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Become an international export expert!

The training aims to provide the students with an understanding and competence in global business, strategic planning of international sales and marketing, systematic implementation of the internationalization process in new markets, as well as supply chain management.

The primary target group of the studies is immigrants with a higher education degree who are unemployed or at risk of unemployment. The training is also suitable for Finns with a higher education who have stayed abroad for a long time or have the ability to work in foreign trade due to their long experience.

The training will take place from 30.10.2023–29.5.2024. It is funded by the Centre for Economic Development, Transport, and the Environment, and thus it is free of charge for the students.

In an interview by TE Services, Johanna Koivulampi-Howard tells how her team works to find fitting internships for each student of the program. Read her interview in Finnish from the TE Services website!

"The topics covered during the programme were contemporary, focused on up-to-date features and emphasised on practicalities", describes Gazi Jahan, who studied in the group of 2019-20.

Pairing the right student with the right company

In an interview by TE Services, Johanna Koivulampi-Howard tells how her team works to find fitting internships for each student of the programme.