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Biomedical Technology

Tampere University

Hands-on skills in the crossroads of molecular biology, cell technology and bioinformatics

Gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills with a focus on human health.


Master's degree (University)

Degree earned

Master of Science

Planned duration

2 years

Extent of studies

120 ECTS



Tuition fee for non-EU/EEA citizens

12000 € per academic year

Link to scholarship programme

Our target group are students with a Bachelor’s degree in biosciences, computational sciences and natural sciences who want to attain in-depth knowledge and hands-on skills in the crossroads of molecular biology, cell technology and bioinformatics, with a special emphasis on areas that have the potential to enhance human health. The courses are firmly grounded on international research and focus on transferring this knowledge into practice. We collaborate with the other programme in the field of biomedical sciences offered by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, the Master’s Programme in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering (MSc Tech), which requires a background in engineering/technology.

Biomedical technology is a multidisciplinary field that builds on understanding biological systems on the molecular level and develops new approaches to advance medical and biotechnological applications. The programme brings together expertise and methods in a large number of natural, medical, and engineering sciences: biology, chemistry, medicine, genetics, statistics, and computational and data sciences.There are three specialisation options:

  • Bioinformatics
  • Cell technology
  • Molecular biology

The programme offers you a unique learning environment that combines biosciences and technology with a specific focus on health. The study options are flexible and the teaching groups small. During the studies, you will build networks and interact with our world-class research teams that provide many practical training opportunities. As our graduate, you may work as an academic specialist within scientific research or teaching, or in research and development.

Welcome to join our multidisciplinary, multinational expert community of biomedical sciences!

Tampere University - Biomedical Technology

For more information

Please read through the information provided. For further questions regarding the application process, contact our Admissions office at or for questions regarding the content of the programme, please contact Ms. Catarina Ståhle-Nieminen,