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Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Duration of project1.8.2018–31.12.2020

To enhance commercialisation of new packaging products where side streams are utilised with the help of creative industry.


The project combines the competence of creative industries with bioeconomy and circular economy. This will make it more possible to offer growth opportunities in forest biofield, farming and greenhouse gardening as well in creative industries as clientele and work opportunities increase.

The aim is to develop cutting edge and competitive expertise for development and commercialisation of food packaging that uses the side streams of industry. Forest industry and food industry both create a number of side products that at the moment are used either as energy or composted. They contain a number of bioactive compounds as well as fibres that could be utilised in, for example, packaging paper or paperboard. New packaging concepts with functional qualities will be developed. They could contain antioxidant and antibacterial properties to keep foodstuff from going bad quickly.

The key idea is that by integrating design, media, branding and storytelling into all stages of product and service development of packaging materials the possibilities of commercialisation will increase and new competence will be developed for all concerned. The project will widen and deepen the interaction and cooperation between creative industries and the forest biosector. Technical experts, on the other hand, will learn to appreciate the importance of design and marketing. This will benefit both parties.

Funding source

Euroopan sosiaalirahasto (ESR) 2014-2020

Contact persons

Päivi Viitaharju
paivi.viitaharju [at]