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Vitality 90+

Tampere University

Vitality 90+ Study is an ongoing multidisciplinary research project focusing on longevity and the oldest old population. The major research themes concern health and functioning, quality of life, formal and informal care and services, old age as an individual experience and biological basis of aging.

Research is motivated by the rapid changes in the population structure and by the increase in longevity. In Finland, the number of people aged 90 or older has doubled in the past 20 years from 22 000 to 55 000 thousand, and by 2040, it will reach 150 000. 

For more than 20 years, we have collected survey data from all 90-year-olds and older residents of Tampere living at home, and since 2001 also from those living in long-term care. The surveys have been conducted ten times (1995-2022) and the response rate has been remarkably high. Due to the long time series and the high response rate, the research is unique and also internationally respected. We have also conducted health examinations for smaller sub-groups and invited people to life story interviews.

The project improves understanding of the dynamics between longer life expectancy and the development of health and quality of life of the oldest old. Research findings have been reported in nearly 100 scientific publications and the data materials have been used in 10 doctoral dissertations. 


Contact persons

Principal investigator

Linda Enroth
PhD, Senior Research Fellow
Linda.Enroth [at]
+358 401 901 647