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Social Inequalities in Ageing (SIA)

Tampere University

Social Inequalities in Ageing (SIA) is a Nordic research project focusing on trends in inequalities in health, health care and social care among old people in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland.  

Researchers from Tampere University are participating in three work packages:  

  • WP B: Trends and trajectories of health and functioning among the oldest old, WP leader Marja Jylhä, researchers Linda Enhroth and Mari Aaltonen  
  • WP C: Welfare state reforms in eldercare and the repercussion on inequality, WP leader Anneli Anttonen, researcher Olli Karsio  
  • WP D: Health care needs and health care reforms: future needs and inequality impacts, WP leader Ilmo Keskimäki, researchers Jutta Pulkki and Liina-Kaisa Tynkkynen


Within WP B, studies based on both longitudinal survey data (Vitality 90+), and data from administrative mortality and care registries have and will be conducted.  

Researchers in WP C are conducting a comparative study based on policy documents and interviews of care managers focusing on the relation between social inequality and marketisation and reablement trends in three cities.  

In WP D, an interview data collection on hospital discharges of old patients from the health professionals point of view is underway in three cities. In addition, a register data on revascularizations is ready in order to compare the care trends in Nordic countries.


In WP B, the overarching objective is to investigate the trends, main determinants, and country-specific differences in health and functioning of the oldest old during a period of rapidly increasing longevity. The health and functional status of the oldest old, the most rapidly growing segment of the population, have been poorly known.  

In WP C, are conducted comparative studies of the consequences of changing public policies on different social groups of older people. For example, a study lead by Tampere team asks does the increased focus on marketisation and consumerism in eldercare policies in Tampere, Copenhagen and Stockholm lead to increasing inequalities?  

The overall focus in WPD is to study the social inequality impact of the institutional changes of the health care systems. Research has so far concentrated on comparisons in hospital discharge processes and cardiovascular care in Tampere, Copenhagen and Stockholm.

Funding source


Contact persons

Marja Jylhä

Professor, WP B leader

marja.jylha [at]

+358 40 588 9100


Anneli Anttonen

Professor, WP C leader

anneli.anttonen [at]

+358 50 318 6063


Ilmo Keskimäki

Professor, WP D leader

ilmo.keskimaki [at]