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MicMac - From micro-scale data to macro-scale understanding for improved safety of composite materials

Fibre reinforced plastic composites are used nowadays very widely also in applications where long lifetime is required but unexpected strength loss is unacceptable. The interface between the matrix and the reinforcing fibre has a significant role in the composite’s performance but it is typically the most susceptible element to environmental attack. However, to measure exclusively the interfacial properties and link these results to the macroscopic performance of a composite is a very challenging task. The aim of this study is to use recently developed micro-robotic methods to produce statistically reliable data of the mechanical properties of interfaces, reveal the mechanisms causing the degradation, and to create a relation between the results of micro- and industrial-scale tests. The results of the project can be used to develop more reliable, sustainable and profitable composites, which has several positive environmental, societal and economic impacts.

Funding source

Academy of Finland


Polymer Competence Center Leoben, Austria

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium