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Integrated business platform of distributed energy resources

Tampere University

The research project will create novel research infrastructure for the research of system level impacts and interdependences of business ecosystems of novel and smart functions and stakeholders of electric power system and markets.


The project is realized in cooperation with VTT and LUT. The aim of the project is to realize an information exchange platform between the stakeholders of electric power system, which may be utilized for the studies of system level impacts and interdependencies of stakeholders. Project will also realize two examples of functionalities utilizing the information exchange platform to merge distributed laboratories and subfunctionalities of project partners into a single entity. Functionalities are i) aggregation of prosumer and microgrid resources for frequency containment reserve market, and ii) electricity distribution system congestion management with local flexibility service market.


Electric power system will experience very remarkable technical, functional and economical disruption in coming years due to revolution in renewable energy sources and due to impact of novel stakeholders like aggregators. The research of system level disruption is not giving adequate and relevant answers for system level problems if it is studied with traditional research methods realized in silos of very specific problems. The research methods for multidimensional problems requires completely new methods and tools which this project is studying.

Funding source

Business Finland

Contact persons

Sami Repo


sami.repo [at]

+358 40 849 0454