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TAMK’s International Week for Engineering building networks and practices

Published on 18.11.2020
Tampere University of Applied Sciences
TAMK International Week Engineering
The participants in the 2019 International Week for Engineering. Author Riku-Matti Kinnunen in the top row, second from the right.
In March 2011, TAMK organized its first-ever International Week for Engineering. Not only was the first event a success, but its effects were much longer and deeper than anyone could anticipate.

One of the main targets for the first international week was to ensure that the teaching as well as the social programme would be beneficial for both the TAMK community and its international guests. Since then, a growing number of international weeks in other study fields at TAMK have carried the same idea: to give a unique opportunity to build new bridges between partner institution and to create contacts for networking.

Having visiting lecturers and colleagues at TAMK once a year not only gives a unique internationalization experience and new perspective for the attendees but can also have effects on competences and pedagogy.

“Without us even noticing, the international week changed our practices and studying culture." Riku-Matti Kinnunen

From 2021 onwards, TAMK will have one annual International Week to accommodate all of its study fields. This is a big, yet natural continuation for the field-specific international weeks that have been organized by TAMK for several years.

Riku-Matti Kinnunen, the international coordinator for the field, was the primary organizer for the first international week. Read more about the history of the week in Riku-Matti Kinnunen’s blog post here.