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A service break in Theseus 22.2. – 12.3.2019

Published on 1.2.2019
Tampere Universities
Opinnäytteitä ei voi tallentaa eikä käsitellä AMK-opinnäytteiden tietokannassa Theseuksessa katkon aikana 22.2. – 12.3.2019.

Theses cannot be uploaded or processed in Theseus (the database for theses of Universities of Applied Sciences) during the break 22.2. – 12.3.2019. If you are planning to graduate in February, please make sure to submit your thesis on 20.2. at the latest, so that the library has some time to process it before the break. If you are graduating in March, you can submit your thesis only after the break. If the break ends earlier than March 12, we will let you know.

Information retrieval works normally also during the break.

Theseus is a service provided by Arene ry - the Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. Theseus gives you online access to theses and publications from Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences.

Contact for more info: thesis [at]