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The Association of Health Journalists grants Mika Rämet the Apple of Good Information prize

Published on 8.2.2022
Tampere University
Terveystoimittajat ry:n puheenjohtaja Anna-Liisa Karhula ja professori Mika Rämet
Anna-Liisa Karhula, Chair of the Association of Health Journalists, handed the award to Professor Mika Rämet. Photograph: Kimmo Brandt
Director of Vaccine Research Center, Professor Mika Rämet received the Apple of Good Information award from the Association of Health Journalists. The prize is awarded annually to an expert who has co-operated with the media, especially health journalists, exceptionally well and dared to speak out on difficult topics.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Rämet has been able to comment and explain the development of vaccines and roll-out times as well as the benefits and risks involved. He has taken on the task of disseminating general vaccine information.

“In an exciting way, Rämet is able to be both enthusiastic and thoughtful in his choice of words,” says the award nomination proposal. He also puts scientific knowledge into concrete frameworks rather than hiding behind difficult medical jargon.

Rämet is very honoured by the recognition he received.

“I warmly thank the Association of Health Journalists for this pleasant surprise. At a time when the importance of reliable information has been exceptionally significant in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, this recognition from health journalists is particularly special,” he said.

Rämet, who is a professor of paediatrics and experimental immunology, has led the Vaccine Research Center since 2020. His fields of research and specialisms include paediatrics, neonatology, and immunology.

Rämet has long experience in basic immunology research and vaccine development, for example, in tuberculosis vaccine research.

Anna-Liisa Karhula, Chair of the Association of Health Journalists, explains awarding the prize: “Mika Rämet is a tough guy. Despite the noise made by anti-vaccine campaigners, Rämet has been kind, calm and determined to keep telling people repeatedly about the importance of vaccines and vaccine research. Even a health journalist feels safe working with a plain-speaking expert.”

This is the 31st year when the Apple of Good Information prize was awarded. The prize is a work of art called Perhossuukko (Butterfly Kiss) by Reetta Hiltunen. The previous recipients of the award include, among others, Senior Medical Officer, D.Med.Sc. Hanna Nohynek, Professor, D.Med.Sc. Juhani Knuuti, and Professor, brain researcher Minna Huotilainen.