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Annual review 2019 showcases TAMK’s effectiveness

Published on 26.5.2020
Tampere University of Applied Sciences
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The last operational year in Tampere University of Applied Sciences has been wrapped into a tight package on a website TAMK Annual Review 2019. It consists of key statistics as well as overviews on different units, activities and achievements.

TAMK’s year 2019 was very successful in many respects. The annual review reports e.g. that the total volume of TAMK's RDI project portfolio rose to a new record, almost 20 million euros. Also, in professional higher education a new annual record was reached with 263 new Master’s degrees completed. TAMK’s financial status remained strong and stable. The share of funding from outside sources increased as planned, towards 20 per cent of the total funding.

The new annual review is fairly simple in design and works well also with a mobile phone.

Annual review online