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Mikko Joronen

Senior Research Fellow, Political Geography
Faculty of Management and Business | Administrative Studies | Environmental Policy and Regional Studies

About me

Mikko Joronen (PhD in Human Geography) is a senior research fellow at Tampere Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS). His research is oriented around politics of vulnerability, tempos and temporalities of everyday violence, and geographical theory, especially at the intersection of ontology, politics and space. His publications deal with various related aspects, such as ungovernability, slow violence, waiting, and politics of speed; politics of future and the colonial (un)making of home; and the relationship of ontological vulnerability to various forms of power, governing and everyday resistance. He is currently working with questions of disruptive atmospheres, and material and affective politics of home at the occupied Palestinian territories. He is the leader of the Palestine Research Group, PI of the ERC-funded (ERC consolidator grant) project 'Dwelling with crisis: home at spaces of chronic Violence' (2023-2028), PI of the Academy of Finland -funded research project 'present-futures in/of Palestine' (2019-2023), and an associate editor of the journal Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. He holds academic docentship (Associate Professor) in political geography at University of Turku. 

Fields of expertise

Political Geography, Human Geography, Critical Geography, Geographical Theory and Methodology

Research topics

Colonialism, power, governing, everyday violence, space and political ontology, geographies of war, Palestine/Israel, Middle East, materiality, dwelling, politics of home, atmospheric violence, politics of smell, security logics, globalisation, neoliberalism, continental philosophy. 


Research Council of Finland, European Research Council

Selected publications

Joronen M (2024) Eyal Weizman. In Gilmartin M, Hubbard P, Kitchin R & Roberts (eds). Key Thinkers on Space and Place (3rd edition). London: SAGE

Joronen M & Ghantous W (2024) Weathering violence: atmospheric materialities and olfactory durations of ‘skunk water’ in Palestine. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.

Agha Z, Esson J, Griffiths M, Joronen M (2024) Gaza: a decolonial geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, doi:10.1111/tran.12675

Joronen M (2023) Atmospheric negations: Weaponising breathing, attuning irreducible bodies. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 41(5): 765-783

Griffiths, M & Joronen, M (2023, eds). Encountering Palestine: Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 

Griffiths, M. & Joronen, M. (2023). Introduction: Encountering Palestine, Un/doing Power. In: Griffiths, M & Joronen, M. (eds) Encountering Palestine: Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 

Joronen, M. (2023). Life of the Wounded: Rethinking Settler Colonial Power in Palestine. In: Griffiths, M & Joronen, M. (eds) Encountering Palestine: Un/making Spaces of Colonial Violence. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Joronen, M & Griffiths, M (2022). Ungovernability and ungovernable life in Palestine. Political Geography, 98,

Griffiths, M, Berda, Y, Joronen, M & Kilani, L (2022). Israel’s international mobilities regime: visa restrictions for educators and medics in Palestine. Territory, Politics, Governance, doi: 10.1080/21622671.2022.2095008

Ghantous, W & Joronen, M (2022). Dromoelimination: Accelerating settler colonialism in Palestine. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 40(3): 393–412

Joronen M (2021). Unspectacular spaces of slow wounding in Palestine. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 46(4): 995-1007.

Joronen M, Tawil-Souri H, Amir M & Griffiths M (2021). Palestinian Futures: Anticipation, Imagination, Embodiments. Introduction to Special Issue. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography, 103(4): 277-282.

Griffiths M & Joronen M (2021) Governmentalized futures: uncertainty, possibility and anticipation in occupied Palestine. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography, 103(4):352-366.

Joronen M (2021). To wound life, to prevent its recovery: Enforcing vulnerability in Gaza. In Bissell, D., Harrison, P. and M. Rose (eds): Negative Geographies: Exploring the Politics of Limits. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 

Joronen M & Rose, M (2020). Vulnerability and its politics: Precarity and the woundedness of power. Progress in Human Geography. doi:10.1177/0309132520973444

Joronen M (2020). Playing with plenitude. Attuning to a mysterious void of being. In Secor, A. and P. Kingsbury (eds): A Place more Void. University of Nebraska Press. 

Joronen, M. (2019) Negotiating colonial violence: spaces of precarisation in Palestine. Antipode 51(3), 838-857.

Joronen, M. & Griffiths, M. (2019) The affective politics of precarity: home demolitions in occupied West Bank. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 37(3), 561–576.

Rose, M., Minca, C. Joronen, M., Martin, L. Philo, C. & Hannah, M.G. (2019) Reading Matt Hannah's Direction and socio-spatial theory: A political economy of oriented practice, Political Geography. DOI: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2019.102056.

Griffiths, M. & Joronen, M. (2019) Marriage under occupation: Israel’s spousal visa restrictions in the West Bank. Gender, Place & Culture 26(2), 153-172.

Joronen, M. & Griffiths, M. (2019) The moment to come: geographies of hope in the hyperprecarious sites of occupied Palestine. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography 101(2), 69-83.

Joronen, M. (2017) Spaces of waiting: Politics of precarious recognition in the occupied West Bank. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 35(6):994–1011.

Joronen, M. & Häkli, J. (2017) Politicizing ontology. Progress in Human Geography 41(5): 561–579.

Joronen, M. (2017) 'Refusing to be a victim, refusing to be an enemy'. Form-of-life as resistance in the Palestinian struggle against settler colonialism. Political Geography, 56, 91–100.

Joronen, M. (2017) Few notions on ontology and destituent power. A reply to Gordon. Political Geography, 56, 104-105.

Joronen, M. (2017) Waiting and claiming rights: precarities of settler colonial recognition. Society and Space (open site)

Joronen, M. (2017) ‘Notes toward a performative theory of assembly’, Judith Butler, and ‘Vulnerability in Resistance’, Judith Butler, Zeynep Gambetti, and Leticia Sabsay (eds). Book Review. Space and Polity 21(2): 241-251.

Joronen, M. (2016) ‘Death comes knocking on the roof’. Governmentalities of ethical killing during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza. Antipode 48(2), 336-354.

Joronen, M. (2016) Politics of Precarious Childhood: Ill Treatment of Palestinian Children under the Israeli Military Order. Geopolitics, 21(1), 92-114.

Millei, Z. & Joronen, M. (2016) The (bio)politicization of neuroscience in Australian early years policies: fostering brain-resources as human capital. Journal of Education Policy, 31(4), 389-404.

Joronen, M. (2016) Politics of being-related. On onto-topologies and coming events. Geografiska Annaler B: Human Geography 98(2).

Joronen, M. (2015) Minor(s) matter: stone-throwing, securitization and the government of Palestinian childhood under Israeli military rule. In Millei, Z. & Imre, R. (eds.): Childhood and Nation. Palgrave MacMillan.

Joronen, M. & Imre, R. (2015) Betraying the own-most: Heidegger and pitfalls of being-there. Geographica Helvetica 70(3), 199–203.

Joronen, M. (2013) Heidegger, Event and the Ontological Politics of the Site. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 38(4), 627-638.

Humalisto, N. & Joronen, M. (2013) Looking beyond calculative spaces of biofuels: onto-topologies of indirect land use changes. Geoforum 50, 182-190.

Joronen, M. (2013) Conceptualizing new modes of state governmentality: power, violence and the ontological mono-politics of neoliberalism. Geopolitics 18(2), 356-370.

Joronen, M. (2012) Heidegger on the History of Machination: Oblivion of being as Degradation of Wonder. Critical Horizons 13(3), 351-376

Joronen, M. (2011) Dwelling in the sites of finitude: Resisting the Violence of the Metaphysical Globe. Antipode 43(4), 1127–1154.

Joronen, M. (2010) The Age of Planetary Space. On Heidegger, Being, and Metaphysics of Globalization. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis 257 (PhD Monograph)

Joronen, M. (2010) The Geography of Heidegger: revival of the place of being? (Review essay). Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 28:1, 56–59

Joronen, M. (2008) The technological metaphysics of planetary space: Being in the age of globalization. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 26:4, 596–610.

Joronen, M. (2005) Dualismin tuolla puolen – pragmatisoitu relationaalinen ontologia ja tilallisuuden transsendentaalisuus. Alue ja Ympäristö 2005(1).