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Lili-Anne Kihn

Professor, Accounting and control systems

About me

Lili-Anne Kihn is Professor of Accounting in the Faculty of Management and Business at Tampere University, Finland. Her research interests focus on management accounting and control, enabling control, multinational control and strategies, performance measurement and evaluation, values, budgeting, quality management, digitalization, transfer pricing, research methodology, and auditing. She has published in these areas both internationally and nationally.


Professor of Accounting and Control Systems. 

Head of Financial Management & Accounting Research Group.

Fields of expertise

Accounting and control systems.

Top achievements

Main positions of trust

Editorial Review Board member, Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change (JAOC), 2022-2025.

Expert, European Commission, Horizon 2020 an 2021, Research Executive Agency, Brussel, Belgium, 2017 and 2021.

Publication Forum panelist (Economics), Publication Forum, the Federation of Finnish Learnt Societies, Helsinki, 2019-2021.

Head of Doctoral Programme (Administrative Sciences, Business Studies and Politics), Tampere University Faculty of Management and Business 2019-2021. 

Council vice member or member, Professoriliitto ry., Helsinki, 2013-2024.

Faculty Council vice member, Tampere University, 2017-

Investment Committee member, University of Tampere, 2015-2018.

Member of Maanpuolustuksen tieteellinen neuvottelukunta (MATINE), Tampere local chapter, 2014-2018.

Member of University Collegial Body and its Economic Committee, University of Tampere, 2014-2018.

Board member, Professoriliitto ry. Helsinki, 2013-2014.

Member, Scientific Committee of the European Accounting Association, 2008-2009, 2010-2013, 2016-2018, 2021-2023.

Ad hoc referee for American Accounting Association and the following scientific journals: Accounting, Organizations and Society (AOS), Baltic Journal of Management, Behavioral Research in Accounting (BRIA), European Accounting Review (EAR), International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change (JAOC), Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Journal of Management Accounting Research (JMAR), Journal of Management Control (JoMaC), International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (IJPPM), Management Accounting Research (MAR)

Research fields

Business administration, Business economics, Accounting

Selected publications

Kihn, L-A. (2007) Financial consequences in foreign subsidiary manager performance evaluations. European Accounting Review, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 531-554. 

Chapman, Christopher S. & Kihn, Lili-Anne (2009) Integrated information systems, enabling control and performance. Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 151-169.

Kihn, L-A. (2010) Performance outcomes in empirical management accounting research: recent developments and implications for future research. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 59, No. 5, pp. 468-492. 

Kihn, L-A. (2010) An empirical investigation of the principal top management styles in the emphasis of multiple forms of controls. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 108-127. 

Kihn, L-A. (2011) How do controllers and managers interpret budget targets? Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 212-236. 

Ihantola, Eeva-Mari & Kihn, Lili-Anne (2011) Threats to validity and reliability in mixed method accounting research. Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 39-58. 

Kihn, L-A. & Ihantola, E-M. (2015) Approaches to validation and evaluation in qualitative studies of management accounting. Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management. Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 230-255.

Kihn, Lili-Anne & Näsi, Salme (2017) Emerging diversity in management accounting research: the case of Finnish doctoral dissertations, 1945-2015. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, Vol. 13, No.1, pp. 131-160. 

Kihn, Lili-Anne, Oulasvirta, Lasse, Ruohonen, Janne, Rönkkö, Jaakko & Wacker, Jani (toim.) (2019) Talous, sääntely, ohjaus: Tarkastuksen ja valvonnan ajankohtaiskysymyksiä. Tampere: Tampere University Press. 

Kihn, Lili-Anne (jointly with Jaatinen, P. L. & Näsi, S. (2021) Historical Development of IT-Related Innovations of Financial Accounting: From Manual and Paper Bookkeeping to Automated and Digital Financial Accounting. Nordic Journal of Business, Vol. 70, No. 2, 5-28.

Kihn, L-A. & Härkönen, J. (2021) Tietokoneavusteiset tarkastusmenetelmät tilintarkastuksessa: Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus. (Computer-aided audit tools in auditing: A systematic literature review). Teoksessa, Kihn, L-A., Oulasvirta, L., Ruohonen, J., Rönkkö, J. & Wacker, J. (toim.) Tarkastus, arviointi ja valvonta murroksessa (Audit, evaluation and control). Tampere: Tampere University Press, 23-38.

Kihn, L-A., Oulasvirta, L., Ruohonen, J., Rönkkö, J. & Wacker, J. (2021) Tarkastus, arviointi ja valvonta murrosajan tutkimuskohteina. (Audit, evaluation and control as research topics). Teoksessa Kihn, L-A., Oulasvirta, L., Ruohonen, J., Rönkkö, J. & Wacker, J. (toim.) Tarkastus, arviointi ja valvonta murroksessa. Tampere: Tampere University Press.

Kihn, L-A., Ihantola, E-M., Rönkkö, J. & Filatov, M. (2023) Hallinnon tarkastus asunto-osakeyhtiöissä – laadullinen tutkimus. In Ruohonen, J., Kihn, L-A., Oulasvirta, L. & Veikkola, E. (Eds.) Tilintarkastus ja evaluaatio – talouden ja sääntelyn vuoropuhelu. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 118-139.

Alitalo, H., Kihn, L-A. & Vehmas, T. (2023) Suomalaiset tilintarkastusalan väitöskirjat 2010-luvulla. In Ruohonen, J., Kihn, L-A., Oulasvirta, L. & Veikkola, E. (Eds.) Tilintarkastus ja evaluaatio – talouden ja sääntelyn vuoropuhelu. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 173-193.

Ruohonen, J., Kihn, L-A., Oulasvirta, L. & Veikkola, E. (2023) Tilintarkastuksen ja evaluaation tutkimus ja ajankohtaiset ilmiöt. In Ruohonen, J., Kihn, L-A., Oulasvirta, L. & Veikkola, E. (Eds.) Tilintarkastus ja evaluaatio – talouden ja sääntelyn vuoropuhelu. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 15-23.

Kihn, L. A. (2023) Budgeting changes and success: abandonment, reform or stability in Finnish manufacturing firms? Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, 19(6), 91-111. DOI (10.1108/JAOC-12-2022-0187).

Kihn, L. A. & Ström, E. M. (forthcoming) Top management characteristics and comprehensive focus on budgeting. Journal of Applied Accounting Research.