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Python on TUNI Mac computers

Tampere University and TAMK

Python is a programming language used in basic programming courses and in scientific computing. There is a wide range of additional add-ons called libraries available for Python. The optimal method to install Python depends on your requirements.

With these instructions you can install Python on a TUNI Mac computer. There are separate instructions for using Python on TUNI Windows and TUNI Linux computers.

Python installation on TUNI macOS computer for staff use

Apple doesn't include Python in macOS anymore, so it needs to be installed separately.

Note: Don't use administrator rights to install Python even if you have those privileges. The management of additional libraries and updates will work as intended when the installation is made per user. With this method you can choose the version of Python and libraries you need, and they will be updated on the schedule of your choice. It is, however, your responsibility to ensure all security updates are installed.

Anaconda and Miniconda

If you need an advanced Python programming environment on TUNI Mac computer, we suggest to use Python distributions Anaconda or Miniconda. They both have a tool called conda for managing installation of additional libraries. Anaconda contains a large collection of scientific libraries. Miniconda is a minimal Python installation, and you can install just the libraries you need. For more information on the differences, see the page Downloading conda.

You can download the installer of your choice by following these links:

Note: Don't use administrator rights to install Python even if you have those privileges. Start Anaconda or Miniconda installer with normal user rights. When the installer asks you to choose between per-user or per-system installation, choose ”Install for me only”.

To install, please follow these instructions provided by the conda community.

Installing additional Python libraries

You can use the command conda to install additional libraries, for example: conda install name_of_the_library

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+358 294 520 500
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Published: 3.5.2021
Updated: 15.2.2022