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Faculty of Management and Business

Tampere University
Phone+358 (0) 294 52 11 (telephone switchboard)
City Centre Campus, Pinni A Building (Kanslerinrinne 1), Hervanta Campus Festia Building (Korkeakoulunkatu 8)

In the Faculty of Management and Business, we teach and carry out high-quality, international research in the areas of administrative sciences, business sciences, politics, information and knowledge management, and industrial engineering and management. With 3,500 students and more than 300 staff members, our Faculty is a large academic community. The unique combination of disciplines is our strength, giving us the chance to offer new perspectives to the questions in the field. In the Faculty of Management and Business, our goal is to provide multidisciplinary and internationally high-level research and education.

The Faculty consists of five Units, which are

Administrative Studies
Business Studies
Industrial Engineering and Management
Information and Knowledge Management

In our Faculty, we aim to grasp management and business in ways that cross the traditional disciplinary boundaries. We educate future leaders and experts who fundamentally understand the dynamics of the changing world. In the Faculty of Management and Business, we teach students to see societal changes as a whole that consists of government, business, politics and technology.

Welcome to City Centre Campus and to Hervanta Campus.

Hosting offers for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

MSCA PFs provide excellent, fully paid opportunities for talented researchers to boost their career and skills development. We are currently preparing for the 2024 call. If you are interested, please contact us before May 6th.

Our blog - The Influencer

In the faculty blog, our staff and students write about current issues regarding management, business and societal advocacy.