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Chinese teachers learning about innovation and entrepreneurship in education at TAMK

Published on 15.11.2019
updated on 29.8.2022
Tampere University of Applied Sciences
Chinese teachers visiting TAMK
TAMK and LIT (Luoyang Institute of Technology, China) have been making continuous effort on teacher development programme for about 5 years. A group of 18 LIT teachers participated in a two-week teacher development programme focusing on coaching and innovation and entrepreneurship at TAMK in 2019.

The two-week teacher development programme has a variety of offerings, featuring thought-provoking classes, coaching workshops (which is brand new to Chinese teachers), and institutional visits. The main objective is to inspire the Chinese teachers to develop innovation in working and learning ways in their daily work and in their university as a whole.

On the first day of their arrival to Finland, Vice President of TAMK Mikko Naukkarinen and Director of TAMK EDU Carita Prokki gave the group a warm welcome. Mikko Naukkarinen has been in LIT for a few times in the past years due to the long-lasting friendship of the two universities. Carita Prokki suggested the teachers keep eyes and ears open during the two weeks in Finland.

The group did not let Carita down. During the two weeks, they were extremely observant, not only in lectures and workshops, but also in their leisure time. They spoke highly of the Finnish society, culture and education, and got much insight from the academic activities. They expressed that they would like to do their best to change the traditional paradigm, for example, to give students more appreciation, understanding and pedagogical love.


Feedbacks are positive:

– This programme gave us inspiration and hope. My colleagues and I can grow and make progress together for a better picture of innovation and entrepreneurship education in China.
Jie Cai

– During the time in Finland, we learned about the advanced experience and practice of TAMK in curriculum design, coaching theories, company cooperation and entrepreneurship in education. They provide new insights into the innovation and entrepreneurship education in our work.
Junwei Zhao


Being one of TAMK’s long-term partners in China, LIT and TAMK have various cooperative activities annually. The LIT teacher development program is one of them. Every year, TAMK Global Education helps hundreds to thousands of Chinese teachers develop their career by offering a professional teacher development program featuring concepts and practices of Finnish higher education.