Course Catalog 2014-2015

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Opinto-opas 2014-2015

Biotechnology, 25 cr

Type of the study block

Intermediate Studies


Jukka Rintala, Matti Karp, Ville Santala

Learning Outcomes

- The student learns the basics of the biotechnology and achieves the readiness to follow the development of biotechnology.
- The student has readiness to find, read and apply information. Furthermore, the student is able to apply basic methods of biotechnology in working life.
- The student will attain eligibility for working assignments in the field of design, inspection and development.
- The student understands the status of biotechnology in the society.


Complementary Courses

Should be completed to the minimum study module extent of 25 ETCS

Course Credit points
KEB-22006 Biological Processes in Environmental Engineering 3 cr
KEB-23106 Industrial Microbiology 3 cr
KEB-23206 Biocatalysis and Enzymology 3 cr
KEB-23406 Metabolic Engineering 4 cr
KEB-23426 Nanobiotechnologies 4 cr
KEB-23756 Trends in Bioengineering 4 cr
KEB-23800 Seminar in Bioengineering 5 cr
KEB-26106 Special project in Bioengineering 2-8 cr

Additional information

Only intended as a minor

Last modified05.02.2015