Course Catalog 2012-2013

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Opinto-opas 2012-2013

Personal Minor in Electrical Engineering, 25 cr

Type of the study block

Int. MSc Minor Studies


Lauri Sydänheimo

Learning outcomes

- After completing this study module the student attains capabilities to understand and analyze the key techniques of the chosen focus area of Electrical Engineering as used in today's and future advanced ICT systems.
- The student can apply commonly accepted principles of scientific writing , prepare technical reports, and give oral presentations in English.
- The student gains a general insight into common branches of engineering technologies.


Compulsory courses

Courses can be selected from other accepted minor studies individually. An example listing of courses: - TKT-3517 DSP Implementations 5 cr - ELE-3506 Antenna Basics 2 cr - TLT-6206 Radio Propagation in Wireless Networks 3 cr - SET-6226 Introduction to Renewable Energy Sources 3 cr - TST-1206 Demola project work 5-10 cr - BME-1157 Biomedical Engineering: Signals and Systems 2 cr - ASE-1256 Introduction to Control and Automation 6 cr - SGN-1159 Introduction to Signal Processing, short version 3 cr ETC.

Additional information

The personal course listing must be accepted in advance by the head of the degree programme.

Last modified16.03.2012