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Opinto-opas 2006-2007

Tietotekniikan koulutusohjelma - Diplomi-insinöörin tutkinto

International Master's Degree in Information Technology


Koulutusohjelman johtaja: Moncef Gabbouj
Opetuksen suunnittelija: Elina Orava


- The International Master's Degree Programme in Information Technology offers students an international study environment and prepares them for more flexible professional career opportunities in which mastering an international language, like English, is a standard requirement. The studies in information technology give students basic abilities in scientific work in information technology and general ability to perform the tasks of an information technology engineer. The profession includes the design, implementation and technical applications of systems based on data processing, automation and data transmission, not excluding abilities to work as a researcher, teacher or manager. In addition, students can apply the information technology in other branches of engineering.
- The programme offers seven alternative areas of specialization in Communications Engineering, Computational Systems Biology, Digital and Computer Electronics, Mathematics, Multimedia, Signal Processing and Software Engineering.
- Students are able to complete the programme in two years; three semesters of course work and one semester for a final project (master's thesis). The programme leads to the degree of Master of Science in Technology, which qualifies the student to apply for doctoral studies.
- The International Master's Degree Programme in Information Technology was the first of its kind in Finland since it was founded in 1997, and it is among the most competitive and unique programmes in the Finnish universities with its multidisciplinary and flexible study opportunities of a high-standard and quality. The Programme is jointly organized by the following five institutes: Communications Engineering, Digital and Computer Systems, Mathematics, Signal Processing and Software Systems. It also cooperates with other departments of TUT.




- Basic and common studies provide a broad view of information technology and ensure that students will have the necessary mathematical and theoretical skills to follow courses in information technology. Basic and common studies are common to all students in the International Master¿s Degree Programme in Information Technology and the extent of the module is 15 credits.
- The compulsory courses of basic and common studies are listed below. In addition, the student selects freely additional courses from the list of elective courses to complete at least the minimum requirement of 15 credits.

Pakolliset opintojaksot

Compulsory courses include 9 credits:

Opintojakso Opintopisteet
OHJ-1156 Programming II 5 op
SGN-1107 Introductory Signal Processing 4 op
Yhteensä 9 op

Vaihtoehtoiset opintojaksot
Opintojakso Opintopisteet
BIOM-1100 Johdanto biomateriaaleihin 3 op
Yhteensä 3 op

Täydentävät opintojaksot

Listasta täydennetään opintokokonaisuuden laajuuteen
Opintojakso Opintopisteet
KIE-1036 Survival Finnish 1 op
KIE-1056 Finnish for Beginners 1 3 op
KIE-3426 Thesis Writing in English 4 op
SGN-2016 Digital Linear Filtering I 5 op
SGN-2506 Introduction to Pattern Recognition 4 op
Yhteensä 17 op


Opintokokonaisuus Opintopisteet
Computer Science 25 op
Information Technology 25 op

Students complete the basic module in Information Technology and one of the below listed advanced modules. Students who were accepted to study Software Systems take the basic module in Computer Science.


Opintokokonaisuus Opintopisteet
Communications Engineering 30 op
Computational Systems Biology (e) 30 op
Digital and Computer Electronics 30 op
Mathematics (e) 30 op
Multimedia (e) 30 op
Signal Processing (e) 30 op
Software Systems 30 op

The Master's thesis must be done from the field of an advanced study module.


"Prerequisite and free-choice studies" is not a compulsory degree module as such but a label for courses, which can't be included into any other degree module, or prerequisite studies, the knowledge of which is required or recommended to have before taking a more advanced course. Since a good command of the English language is one of the admission requirements for the programme, courses of this language can't be included in the M.Sc. degree. Likewise, courses of the student¿s native language(s) can't be accepted.


Diplomityö (30 op)


- The Master¿s thesis is an extensive treatise, which trains the student for independent study and research, mastery of scientific methods, the convention of references, and the scientific mode of presentation in a good literary form.
- The thesis is conducted and written independently, yet under the supervision of a professor from the same discipline.
- The student shall participate in the master¿s thesis seminar, which supports the preparation of the thesis. In connection of the seminar, the student shall also write a maturity test, which is an essay written on a topic related to the thesis. The test demonstrates the student's command of the thesis topic.

Tutkintoon liittyvät dokumentit

Lataa Curriculum modules 

Viimeksi muokattu 06.03.2007
MuokkaajaElina Orava