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2906020 Speech Communication and Negotiation Skills I, 2 ov

Assistant professor Pentti Vanha-aho
Lectures 10 h and exercises 25 h

Viikottainen Opetus / Periodi S1S2K1K2Kesä
Luennot (h)-- ---
Harjoitukset (h)-- ---


To increase student's communication skills. To introduce students to the basic principles of communication theory. The course emphasizes various aspects of speech communication. Consideration is

given to the theory and practice. It provides practice in preparation, presentation, communication interaction, and evaluation of different speech situations and negotiations. Aspects in Intercultural communication.


Combination of lectures, discussions, exercises and videorecordings. Final exam.


100-150 pages of textbook copies, the instructor's material.


Attendance is required for all scheluded classes.

The course is lectured twice during the school year. Once in the Autumn term and again in the Spring term.

The course is suitable for Finnish and foreign students. The course substitutes 2906010 Puheviestintä ja neuvottelutaito I for the Finnish students.


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