LTT-23106 Library Research Skills for Graduate Students, 0 cr


Sign-up and more information The course is only intended for degree students


Mervi Miettinen


Toteutuskerta Periodi Vastuuhenkilö Suoritusvaatimukset
LTT-23106 2019-01 1 - 4 Mervi Miettinen
Participating the classes.


The student learns to determine the information need for his/her Master of Science Thesis and to analyse it conceptually. The student knows and the basic source of information of its own field can use special source of information. The student's search of the information skill deepen. The student is aware of the source control and principles of good scientific principals.


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LTT-23106 Library Research Skills for Graduate Students, 0 cr LTT-23100 Library Research Skills for Graduate Students, 0 cr  

Päivittäjä: Pitkänen Anna, 26.08.2019